Friday, October 8, 2010

Taylor's World

Taylor was born in May - Justin was going on 7 and Brandon was turning 5.

He came as a big SUPPRISE -- another gift from god. We had just bought our 1st home in Briarwood, NY, and we both thought we were done.  But, god had other plans for us.  I have to say this was the pregnancy I enjoyed the most, well that is after I got over the shock - lol.  I was sick for 4 months with the other two.  I also knew he would be my I made it a point to enjoy every moment of it. And, again he was the most beautiful little boy I had seen in almost 5 years..........get it that's when Brandon was born.  Because I think my boys are always the most beautiful babies.

He walked at 9 1/2 months, talked by 1 and was talking in complete sentences by the time he was two.  He was also completely potty trained by two.  He taught himself how to play video games by 2 and knew how to operate the VCR and TV (I'm not making this up).  Taylor has always been very wise beyond his years.

We moved to Florida when he was starting kindergarden -- so unlike Justin and Brandon he is the only one with no friends in NY - I say this because he tells me he does have friends there and will be moving back someday - lol

Taylor is in the middle school I work in --- he's in the 6th grade.  It has been a huge adjustment.  But, he is still making honor roll.  He too has been playing baseball since he was 5.  And this year he made the soccer team in school and is also playing that.....we'll he decided he will be trying out for all the sports the school has to offer - yay for Taylor.

Since Brandon has always struggled in school, I guess I expect alot from Taylor.....but he can do it.  He's been able to play 2 sports and keep up his good grades. Taylor is my one true clean child, he came out like his mama and uncle Wally.  He likes a clean room and a clean house.  The other two I have no idea what happend to them..........thank god a got 1 out of 3 (not too bad) :)

Life with Taylor is blessing #3 from god

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