Monday, October 11, 2010

Cute things a little boy says........

Conversations with Taylor:

5/08 (8 years)

Taylor made the Bulldogs 9 and under baseball travel team.  On the way to the practice I tell Taylor:

Make sure you give 150 percent in the practice, if the coaches see that you are not hustling, they'll think you are not trying and they can replace you.  Remember everyone is replaceable.

Taylor - That's not true, I can think of 5 people who are not replaceable.
Me: - who (thinking he will say, mom, dad his brothers and sister
Taylor: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny :)

Taylor forgot to study for a test and I was upset with him

Before he went to bed he kissed me and said - sorry that I disappointed you mommy, tomorrow the old Taylor will be back and he will not dissapoint you :)

On the way home from school:

Taylor - Mommy when you die do you want to come back as a human or an animal
Me - human
Taylor - I want to come back as a German Sheppard or a Cheetah
Me - Well Taylor I want to come back as a human because humans live longer.  Think about it if you come back as a dog you'll be dead in 13 - 14 years, I don't know how long the cheetah's live
Taylor - It doesn't matter to me, I still wnat to come back as an animal,  I already experienced being a human, and I wnat to experience new things.  Don't you want to experience new things mommy.
Me - Well Taylor if you put it that way, then maybe I'll want to come back as an animal

Taylor - Mommy my friend told me that he was miserable this weekend because he was grounded.  I told him....that is not being miserable that is called having a bad day.  Being miserable is like when you see those kids on TV with no food, water or a home.
Me - wow Taylor that is really good, I'm so proud of you
Taylor - He doesn't have his priorities straight.

Life with Taylor is a lesson to be learned.

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