Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, Monday, I wish it was Sunday

So I had a crazy week...........

Soccer practice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Baseball practice Wednesday after socce practice and on Friday.  Yikes I can barefly breath....and I'm not even practicing I'm just driving....I'm getting old.

So on Wednesday, I had a meeting with Brandon's teachers - because right now his grades are horrible, whatever you can imagine, that's what they are.  The meeting went great and I hopefull that his grades will when we are leaving the school he tells me did you see the rump on Ms. so and so.  I would like to tap that -----, my boy is crazy.  Ofcourse I tell him you shouldn't be taking like that about school staff, so he tells me he's only kidding. 

Taylor had a Soccer game on Monday and Wednesday.  His team lost both games.  They are doing terrible, but I don't say anything to Taylor as to not discourage him.

On Saturday my friend Marie and my neighbor and I had a garage sale.  I made $78 not bad for a first timmer.  Now, I'm hook and told the boys to clean out their closets -- mama needs to make more money, so another garage sale is on the way.  At 1:00 Cesar took Taylor and Justin for batting practice, Brandon didn't go because remember he's taking a break from baseball (he's killing me).  My Yankees won so it was a great weekend. 

Sunday Taylor had a baseball game against the Cobras - they lost 2-1 it was a great game and my boy did awesome.  Justin had a game too and his team won, and he was 3-4.

Shadow our dog has a stomach virus when I got up at 5:30 on Monday there was dog poop everywhere, it was discusting I almost threww up.  By Wednesday I thougth he was better so I let him back in the house (he's been in the garage for 2 days). Oh boy was I wrong, Cesar calls me at 10:00 pissed off because Shadow did poop all over the house again and he had to clean it up - thank god I was at work :)

With my winnings from saturday, I treated the family for some yummy chinese food.  Except I wanted to try a new place and everyone hated it :(

Life with three boys..........and a sick dog, keeps me busy.

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