Friday, October 8, 2010

The Beginning

This is our life in a nut shell.......

I decide to start a blog in case I get alzheimers - lol (not really) it's so my family that is far away can read it and see what we are up too.

I was born on Friday 4/12/1968 .  I am 1 of 10 children -- well on my dads side - my mother had 4 children.  I grew up with my father and a few stepmothers and 9 brothers and sisters that I love.

Cesar and I got married on December 22, 1990.  We have 3 biological boys - Justin is 19, Brandon is 16 and Taylor is 11.  We have an adopted daughter Melissa who is 21 (I will not be posting anything about her) for personal reasons. We have 3 dogs 2 yorkies Sasha and Shadow and a doberman named Maximus (don't worry Maximus lives outside) so he won't be having the yorkies for lunch.

I was born in DR but moved to NY when I was 5 1/2 - I lived in NY for 31 years and moved to Florida 6 years ago. I Work in a middle school and love it.

So here we go, let's see how I do with this blog.

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