Friday, October 8, 2010


I am 1 of 10 children........
I have 2 no 3 sisters in NC, 1 up and abandoned me 2 months ago (you know who you are) :(
1 sister and 1 brother in Boston
3 brothers in NY
1 sister lives here in Florida - she better not move

Cesar is one of 8
Where they are is not important - after all I'm the one writing this blog - lol

Well we left NY for a number of reasons.........

1 -  after 911 I hated taking the train.  I had to commute everyday to midtown, I was working for Parade Publications, I was there for almost 14 years.  Cesar was a cab driver.
2 -  I hate cold weather.........well that is after I turned 30, so that's what 12 years of hating cold weather.
3 - Cesar hates cold weather.....Florida reminds him of DR.
4 - The boys could play baseball all year round.
5 - NY is dirty/Florida is clean and beautiful

I still love you NY I will always love NY, but to visit.

So, we sold our house- packed up our kids and Shadow (our dog) - and drove to Florida.  We stop in Maryland and spent 1 night with Cesar's sister Juanita and stopped in NC and spent two days with my sisters Roslyn and Jannys :)  That was an adventure.  We had 4 kids, 1 dog and my niece Evelyn in the car. I can't tell you how many fights went on, how many times I lost my voice - how many times I peed in my pants from laughter, how many times I threatend Brandon that I was going to pull over and leave him at the side of the road.   (I think that's the reason my niece Evelyn doesn't have any kids) lol
At one point my niece tells me titi look back - and, there was Brandon he had stripped down to  is underware.  He said he was hot (everyone else was fine) he stay like that for 7 hours until we reached south Florida.

I'm working at Walter C. Young Middle School for 6 years now.

Cesar is currently unemployed - he lost his job on 6/2009 - but somehow we are still surviving - god is good

Life with an unemployed husband is giving me gray hair :(

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