Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday updates

So last week was hectic like anyother week.  Taylor had 2 soccer games and 4 baseball games.  Justin went to Orlando, but he had a game on Sunday.  Brandon's extra curricular activity this week is to drive me crazy.

Cesar got a job for 2 days helping my co-worker with some gardening.  Atleast he'll be out of the house and not stressing out about money and bordem.

My cousin Cindy texted me that she was at the doctor's office because she hurt her foot.  Turns out she broke her toe.  While she's waiting I tell her she's my favorite cousin, and what do you think that crazy girl does--- she tell's Kelvin her brother.  Ofcourse I backed it up and said he's my favorite male cousin........I wanted to kill her.  She's lucky I'm all the way in Florida or I would have broken her other toe - lol.

I woke up Saturday feeling great.  So I decided to go for a walk, I asked Taylor to join me but he said his stomach was hurting, so I took Maximus.  It was a beautiful breezy, sunny morning.  Everything was going great until I was almost at the gate to my community and I see Cesar's white car coming towards me.  Now I know Justin is in Orlando with his friends for Halloween Horror Night.  Cesar had gone to Debbie's house to help her do some gardening.  So who do you think was driving that car without a license or a permit.  YES - Brandon I guess he thought I left with Cesar and decided to go for a joy ride.  My heart almost came out of my chest.  I start screaming at him that if he has lost his mind, he just smiles and makes a u-turn.  He said I blow everything out of proportion, that he's not going to run anyone over and no cop will stop him, because he drives better than anyone in our house.  Now I live about 4 long blocks from the gate.  I tell you this son of mine is trying to kill me.

No sooner than I get home and Taylor is throwing up and going to the bathroom to do #3.  He wasn't getting anybetter, so I decided to take him to the Dr.  they were closed - took him to Urgent Care - waiting for 1 1/2 doctor tells me that he thinks it's his appendix and he also has an ear infection in the right ear.  They can't do anything so I need to go to ER.  I get to the ER they take him right away, they do an ultrasound.  Turns out his appendix is fine and he doesn't have an ear infection.  They give him and IV and 4 hours later we can go home.  (Never going to urgent care again)!!!

As we are leaving Taylor asked me for the time - I tell him it's 4:45 - he says if we hurry we can make it to my baseball game.  Ofcourse I took him home instead.

Sunday at 5:00 I asked Justin to help Taylor do an anti-bullying poster for extra credit, he thought he didn't need to do it because he has a B+ in that class (in my house you don't skip extra credit).  As we are working on the poster Brandon comes into my room and asked me to help with with a project.  OMG -- it was 7:00 PM and he had done nothing!  Justin came to the rescue again and helped him -- it was 6 pages long - they were done by 10:00 PM.

So again, I can't sleep because I fell asleep at 10:00 woke up at 12:30 to the smell of bake cookies -- this is what Brandon does in the middle of the night -- then at 1:30 he is on the phone with a friend an apparently he or she must of told him a funny joke because he was cracking up for 10 minutes -- I had to yell --- SHUT UP and go to bed!!!!  Then I am awaken at 4:00 AM along with Cesar and Justin to Brandon screamming (the screams sounded like someone was killing him) it was horrible.  Apparently he must of had a terrible nightmare but went right back to sleep -- me not so lucky.

Then I had a terrible nightmare that demons were killing people and I was trying to hide Taylor in my neighbors closet.  (These neighbors sacrafice animals)  - I think they are the demons - yikes.

Life with Brandon keeps me awake all night

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