Friday, October 8, 2010

Justin's World

I got pregnant on my honeymoon, Cesar and I had decided to wait 2 years to start having kids..... well that didn't happen.  Justin was born in Sept. - I was in labor for 20 hours and seriously thought I was going to die.  Thank god my sister Daisy was with me.....(well she did escape my crying and screaming fits) for 2 hours.  She went out for a smoke.....and came back 2 hours later.  She claims my screams got too much and she didn't know what to do for me, so she got in a cab and went home.  It's ok sis - I forgive you.  He was the most beautiful baby boy I had every seen (in my world). Justin ended up staying in the hospital for six days, because he had joundice.  So, I would go early in the morning to the hospital and stay with him until the nurses kicked me out.  Since Cesar lived DR I was living with my sister Daisy and my two beautiful nieces Evelyn and Daisy.  It was a big help, Daisy use to take care of Justin for me when I went to work.  I took him when he was 1 month to meet his dad in DR.  When he was 1 Cesar finally got his papers to come to NY - yay.

Well needles to say - Justin was attached to me - it was like having an extra limb.  I couldn't even go to the bathroom with out that boy screaming.  He loved his mama, still does. 

He cried all night - would only sleep for 2-3 hours at a time.  I was almost always very exhausted.  But it was the most amazing  feeling in the world ..........being a mother.

He accomplish everything on time.  Walked 3 weeks after his 1st birthday.  Spoke in sentences when he was 2 1/2 and was potty trained by 2 - but he wore a diaper to bed till he was 5.  He started kindergarden at 5 and also started playing baseball that year.

My 1st born is all grown up now -- he graduated Cooper City H.S. in June/2009.  And is now attending Broward College to become a Journalist, he works at Silver Palm Elementary (aftercare) -- He is caring, loving, respectful, responsible, a wonderful young man, (his room is always a mess) lol - but I couldn't be any prouder.

Life with Justin is a blessing from god

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