Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day - 5/8/11

I had a very nice Mother's Day.............

The boys gave me a beautiful card and a plaque that had a beautiful saying about mother's and a small one that said....Mother's Are Angels in Training.  Love them.

Cesar and the boys took me to Denny's for breakfast, were we had a great breakfast, I ate so much I could barely move.  We went back home and had a very quiet afternoon watching the Yankee game.  Then Cesar pick up dinner at one of our favorite Dominican restaurant (Punta Cana).  Have to say it one my favorite Mother's Day to date :)

You want to do what?????

As we are waiting for dinner to be ready yesterday, Brandon comes down and tells me he finally decided what he wants to do when he finishes H.S. - so I sit up and wait, hoping it's something logical.  Then he blurs out I'm going to join the MARINES! I said, are you crazy no child of mine is going to get blown up in a war I don't believe in.  He said that's what I'm doing and there is nothing you can do.  So it's finally come to be that I will not live past 45, I don't know what I will do if he actually left.  Well I'm hoping he changes his mind by next year.

Thank god Justin has no interest in join any Arm Forces -- I think Justin would die just from the thought of going to Afghanistan - lol.  I know it's not funny but that child is afraid of everything, I forget that he will soon be 20.  And then there is Brandon who is afraid of nothing, everytime I tell him you can't do that it's to dangerous, he tells me --- we are all going to die someday anyway.  They are so different, thank god Taylor is a mixture of both.

Life with Brandon...........is going to kill me if he becomes a Marine :(

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baseball, Baseball and more Baseball....................

Taylor waiting for the rain to pass in the dugout..................

We started off our weekend with a Baseball  Tournament in Miami, Grapeland Park.  We lost our first game 12 - 9, it was a good game and the boys came back from losing terribly, but just could not get a win.  Saturday we played at 11:00 and won that game 12 - 9. 

Then we had to make a mad dash back to Pembroke Pines to play our regular season game agains the SF Knights, we were victorious and beat them 9 - 1.

 I received a couple of gifts cards for my birthday so I made Cesar take me to BJ's and buy a hammock - he kept insisting I buy myself clothes or something but that the hammack would just be in the backyard and I would not use it..........well I will prove him wrong, I plan on spending many summer days laying on that hammock reading or Brandon will use it to lay on it with Maximus (in this case it will be messed up in a month).

Anyway, back to baseball..........so we couldn't do much Saturday night because we had a game early at 9:00 on Sunday morning.  We beat this really good team from Miami 2 -1, so what does that mean we had another game at 11:00 --- we slaughter that team 14 - 4 (yay Rattlers)......were going to the championship baby.

So championship game is at 3:00 - Aruba vs. Weston Rattlers.  Aruba was home team because they seeded higher.  It was starting to get a little cloudy but nothing too bad.  The game was going great we were beating Aruba 6- 3 in the bottom of the 4th inning - 1 out and 1 man on base when............all hell broke lose and it starting to pour, I don't mean rain it looked like a hurricane.  After 20 minutes of complete downpour.  By now the fields are completed floaded, so the game was called and even though we were beating them, they were a higher seed so those idiots in Miami gave them the win..........I know rules are rules, but that sucked badly for our kids.  They were troopers though and kept their heads high and took 2nd place. Actually their coach David had already explained the rules to them, which I think was good.  They weren't too upset.  I think they were Champions!!!!!!

On another note - Cesar's brother and his wife came to Florida for the day.  They are going on a cruise, it was nice to see them if only for 15 minutes. 

Today, I got a call from my friend Christine.  She just came from a cruise with her family, and is stopping by to visit us this afternoon.........having a BBQ if an old friend makes me happy :)

Life teaches me........... things are not always fair - but and unexpected BBQ with an old friend is great :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's been a crazy week..............

Taylor had 2 baseball games this week, and he is trying out for the school Track team.  Let's hope he makes the team.  So afterschool, he's been going to track try-outs until 5 - then we have to run to make it to either a baseball game or practice by 6.  I think I lost 5 pounds this week, from all the running around I did.  And, to think I use to do this triple the amount of time a year ago when all three were playing.  Taylor got contacts two weeks ago.  He is beside himself ---- see picture below.

Taylor without glasses

Brandon is doing ALOT better a Flanagan - thank god.........Cesar's nephew is sending him a ticket to go spend a couple of weeks in DR for the summer.  Brandon thinks he's going on a vacation, but in reality it's a vacation for me - LOL (he drives me crazy)

Justin is still in college and working aftercare in an elementary school, the kids love him (he acts like one of them) - LOL.

I spent the weekend planting some flowers in my backyard........now you would probably think - oh how nice, but for those who know me are probably thinking --- WHAT???? you planting - yes I have the dirty finger nails to prove it and it was actually therapy.  But, my real therapy is baseball and the season just started, THANK GOD --- go Yankees.

Today was favorite baseball team day at our school

Life without baseball.............there is no life without baseball

Friday, February 11, 2011

Back again :)

It's been a few months since I blogged..........

So, we had a nice Christmas and New Years with our neighbors.  I had to push myself to truly enjoy the holidays since Cesar is still not working, but I pushed myself and we had a great time with our friends the Guererros :)

Justin got fired from his job on 1/7/11, they needed to let go of one person due to the aftercare enrollment, and he was the last one hired, so we all know what that means.  I  was so nervous - don't need another person out of a job at our house.  But, he was lucky enough to find another aftercare counselor job a week later - yay

Brandon's grades are still terrible, and on top of that a week ago he got into a fight in school.  A bunch of kids were throwing a shoe around that they took from one kid and someone threw it and it hit Brandon on the head, he got angry and punched the kid in the head.........so, guess who got suspended for 6 days??? You, guessed it -Brandon.  Well I actually don't blame him for getting upset, I would be upset too if someone hit me in the head with a shoe.  But, he needs to learn to use his words and not his hands.

So, about two weeks ago the boys wanted to go visit some friends with Monica and Melissa.  They come home around 1:00 AM.  I hear screaming and think I'm dreaming.  But, the shouting continued, I jump out of bed because it sounds like a rumble in the jungle downstairs. Yell at Cesar to get up, because I hear furniture being pushed..........well, let me tell you what happened.  Brandon claims he was on the phone with a girl that he really likes and that Justin kept turning the music up, so he got mad and turned it down.  Justin claims Brandon was talking to loud so he turn up the music so he didn't have to hear his stupid conversation.  This is when all hell broke lose while he's driving.  Thank god they made it home o.k. and didn't get into a real fight until they got home and Cesar had to get in between them to break it up.  Now, they are not allowed to go anywhere together for a while, or at least until they become men. 

Taylor is doing very well in middle school.  But, for the first time in his life he got a C, it was in Advance Math, so I'm not too upset, but told him that's the last C he's getting.  Right now he's back to A's and B's :)  Last Friday, 2/4/11 he kept coming to my office saying his stomach was hurting.  I thought he was just had to use the bathroom and kept telling him to go sit in the toilet.  Turns out my poor baby was having appendicitis.  After 8 long hours in the ER he was transferred to Joe Demaggio's children's hospital in Hollywood, he was scheduled for surgery at 8:00 AM to next morning.  He was so brave, he didn't even cry when they took him in for surgery.  He was so happy that his titi Sessy, her boyfriend Gustavo, cousins Chasettie, Joshua and his favorite cousin Cristian came to the hospital to visit, and bought him lots of treats and balloons.  He got alot of phone calls from family and friends, he was really happy so many people wanted to know how he was doing.  Saturday afternoon, we were laying down watching TV, and guess who walks in with food and balloons... my dear friend Lucy, her mother and daughters, They are truly amazing.  These are the moments in life that you know who your true friends are.  The next day, she send over dinner for all of us.  Lucy and her family are more like family than friends and neighbors.   I am truly blessed to have found such caring people.   Everything went well, thank god, and he's back in school already.

I get a call from the boys today at different times asking if they can go to cousin's Ray's party (my cousin Diana's son).  Well she lives in Jupiter which is like one hour away.  I guess they think I forgot that they couldn't be in the car for 10 minutes without fighting and I'm suppose to let them go to Jupiter one hour away.......hello, I don't think so.  So now today, I am the worst mother in the planet. 

My sister Jannys called me the beginning of the week to tell me she is now a diabetic :(  I'm so sad for her, because like me she truly loves to eat, not sweets or snacks but FOOD!!  I hope they find a cure for diabetes soon  -- My sister Kathy has decided to move to Nagua, Dominican Republic to teach English for one year.  I'm excited for her and for her new adventures :)

I'm hoping that this year bring us better luck and that Cesar finds a job real soon.

Life with teenagers is giving me heartburn ----

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween weekend

Taylor - the Zombie Baseball Player
My two sweeties - Isaac and Angely

Do you think they are scared???

Had a nice week and on  Friday, I had plans with my friend Marie and her kids to go to the Miami Haunted House.  As we are leaving Brandon tells me he doesn't want to go to no stupid haunted house. I tell him it's family time and you can stay home, but don't plan on going out with your friends later.  So, ofcourse this infuriated him, he starts complaining, whinning, and if it's family time why is papi staying (I laughed in my head) but I didn't care he was spending time with me whether he liked it or not.  So, as we are driving he starts telling me that I'm kidnapping him, taking him somewhere without with consent.  I said Brandon you can get out of the car right now or shut up and let me drive.  I turn on the radio and he starts singing, not just singing shouting.........annoying me --- arrgghhh I wanted to kill him.  Then a rap song came on and starts shaking his head forward, backward acting like he is from the hood and..... BANG, he hit his head on the dash board, it was hysterical I almost lost control of the car, and Justin and Taylor almost peed in their pants.....Brandon didn't think this was funny, but he shut up after that - lol

The haunted house was pretty amazing.......Now my boys all think our house is haunted.  Guess who actually had a good time, BRANDON!!  Taylor on the other hand got so scared I had to cover his eyes half way thru, I felt so bad for him.  When we are both snuggled in my bed at night together (yes my bed - he's still my baby), he says mami I know they were not real but I was really scared.  I told him I would never let anything happen to him that I would take a bullet for him.  He tells me I would take a bullet for you too mami.  I told him don't you ever say that I already live my life you need to live yours.  He said we are family and that's what family does -- I had a tear in my eye, my Taylor loves me.  Now, do you think Brandon would of told me the same thing -- NO he would say, I'll take a bullet for my papi.

On Sunday, we had a Halloween BBQ with my sister Sessy and her kids and my friends and neighbors.  It was a hit - everyone had a great time. My little niece (neighbor Angely) told me I am the bestest titi ever, she is so cute.   Today, is Monday and I'm exhausted, but happy.

Life in Florida allows me to have a BBQ in October :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mother of all headaches

Well this week has been hectic - I know what else is new....................

I got a nice call from my sisters Roslyn and Kathy from NC - apparently Roslyn found a letter I wrote to her over 20 years ago :)  -- how cute is that she saves everything - me I throw everything away (just for a minute I want to be like her and save everything), but ofcourse that feeling went away as soon as it came.  If only I like to saved things.  We couldn't stop laughing of the thought of Jannys my other sister coming home to their new found treasure (my letter) and complaining WHERE'S MY LETTER - I swear she thinks she's my only sister and that I need to love her and only her.  Sorry sis, I have love for all my sisters (yes Charo too)!!!!!

Well this week is the end of the first quarter for the kids and again - it looks like Taylor will be making honor roll,  (he has - 3 A's, 2 B's and a B+) - yay for Taylor, I'm so proud of him.  I thought he was going to struggle his first quarter in middle school, but he didn't - he proved to his dad that he can play 2 sports and do well in school.  Today is his last soccer game of the season for school, and right after that we have to run to a baseball game.  Next week he will be trying out for the school's basketball team.  I was elected to be the school's Athletic Booster Club secretary (like I don't have enough to do).....but if Taylor is going to keep tyring out for everything, I might as well help out.

Now about Brandon, my favorite middle child.  We switched him to charter, this was his choice.........so he left Flanagan where he had 4 classes to go to Charter that has 6 classes.  And what do you think happened, as of today his grades are terrible.  No A's or B's, 1 C, I think 1 D and 4 yes 4 F's (I think he believes F is for fantastic)!!!!!! Chest pains, I'm feeling my chest tightening as I'm writing this -- god give me strength I still have Taylor to raise since (Brandon thinks he doesn't need parents anymore - he knows all he needs to know to survive in this cruel world).  OK - took a few short breath, I think I'm going to be O.K. no need to call the paramedics.  Oh we think he went for a joy ride again, because Monday morning the car keys were missing.  Guess who had them.........YES, Brandon and ofcourse he claims he did no such thing....going for a joy ride that is. 

On Tuesday he decided to spend time with our beloved Maximus (70 pound doberman).  I look out the window to the backyard and there is Brandon with all 70 something pounds of Maximus on top of him like a baby, rubbing his stomach.  I couldn't help but stare at him, so loving with his Maximus and then in an instant he can turn on me and claim I'm the most annoying, embarrasing, corny, lazy (yes he calls me lazy) mother in the world, and I wonder what happend to my adorable little boy who thought the world of his mother (actually he never thought that - I'm just wishing) he thought the world of his father, still does - lol.  And when did he become this obnoxious, rude, selfish, lazy, messy teenager. 

I'm very tired today, was woken up last night to the smell of fried eggrolls, no cookies this time.  I think he finally went to bed around 3:00 AM.  Sleep I'm in need of sleep,  I think the reason I can't sleep it's because I'm expecting the cops to show up with Brandon in tow - telling me they caught him driving with no license and no permit......aarrgghh

So Cesar and Brandon get into a playful argument because Brandon keeps wasting Cesar's cologne's - even when he buys him one - he wants to wear his dad's.  Brandon picked Cesar up like a rag doll and slammed him on the bed and told him (go to bed old man) -- We all had to crack-up, it was a hysterical scene.  Cesar says he doesn't have a favorite son.......yeah right!

Now what can I write about Justin this week.  He's not trying to kill me, his grades are good.  Oh since Cesar and I called him cheap he's been buying me the only cookies I like, Pepperidge Farm, short bread and renting movies for me at the $1.00 at the blockbuster stand in Publix.  And asking his dad if wants anything - lol - don't you just love reverse psychology :)

Cesar went on a few interviews this week, I pray that something will come up soon, before his un-employment runs out.

Life with Taylor makes me proud to be his mama :)