Friday, April 1, 2011


It's been a crazy week..............

Taylor had 2 baseball games this week, and he is trying out for the school Track team.  Let's hope he makes the team.  So afterschool, he's been going to track try-outs until 5 - then we have to run to make it to either a baseball game or practice by 6.  I think I lost 5 pounds this week, from all the running around I did.  And, to think I use to do this triple the amount of time a year ago when all three were playing.  Taylor got contacts two weeks ago.  He is beside himself ---- see picture below.

Taylor without glasses

Brandon is doing ALOT better a Flanagan - thank god.........Cesar's nephew is sending him a ticket to go spend a couple of weeks in DR for the summer.  Brandon thinks he's going on a vacation, but in reality it's a vacation for me - LOL (he drives me crazy)

Justin is still in college and working aftercare in an elementary school, the kids love him (he acts like one of them) - LOL.

I spent the weekend planting some flowers in my you would probably think - oh how nice, but for those who know me are probably thinking --- WHAT???? you planting - yes I have the dirty finger nails to prove it and it was actually therapy.  But, my real therapy is baseball and the season just started, THANK GOD --- go Yankees.

Today was favorite baseball team day at our school

Life without baseball.............there is no life without baseball

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